About Us
The term “Sustainable Development” first took place in our lives with the Brundtland Report published in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) providing certain guiding principles on how to achieve sustainable development In the report, certain policy recommendations that reviews the interlinkages between social equalities, economic development and environmental concerns and integrates these three pillars for sustainable development.
Recognizing the term of sustainable development as the intersection point of economic development, social equalities and environmental protection, the Association for the Promotion of Equal Lives and Sustainable Development (ESDER Turkey) is founded in 2021 in order to conduct relevant activities related to sustainable development. In accordance with its mission and vision, the Association aims to contribute sustainable development with projects that are carried out within the frame of cooperation protocols and coordination with government agencies, municipalities, non-governmental organizations as well as European Union and United Nations.
Moreover, we, as ESDER Turkey, aim to follow up closely the sustainable development agendas and developments both at international and regional levels and work on how to harmonize these developments with different stakeholders and sectors in Turkey. The EU Green Deal, Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among our focus areas. As ESDER Turkey, our goal is to carry out our operations in line with these international and regional plans and strategies.
We are aware that in order to develop and realize such inclusive and integrative ideas in such a wide range of content, we need to have a network which is well qualified and expert in particular fields. That is why we work with our members and volunteers who are experts in their areas working in various institutions ranging from public institutions, international organizations, civil society organizations to private sector and academia.